2018年1月10日 星期三


當一項變革舉措遇到障礙時,領導人經常提醒人們“變革是困難的”,但這條古老的觀點可以成為一個自我實現的預言。短暫的挫折或延誤可以被看作是煤礦裏的金絲雀”canary in the coal mine”預示危險將至,突然間,雇員們將集體逃跑。

When you ask people to change, don't say "change is difficult"
When a change initiative encounter obstacles, leaders often remind people that change is difficult, but this old idea can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. A temporary setback or delay can be viewed as "a canary in the coal mine canary in the coal mine ", that danger would come suddenly and employees would free collectively.
Instead, try to flip the script. By reminding them to increase efforts a little bit to change the mindset of the participants. The result is that the users can identify the advantages and disadvantages of the changes faster.
Rather than accept those who take the initiative to success, try reminding yourself and your team, you in whole life are learning new skills and new regulation environment. Whenever you feel the need to say "change is difficult" impulse, put forward a different request, an accurate statement: regulation of human existence the rule rather than the exception.

