2017年8月13日 星期日


Adjust your attitude before you have a difficult conversation
If you are preparing a conversation that you consider "difficult", you may feel nervous, angry or upset. To reduce these negative emotions, you should reorganize your dialogue thinking: you won't say no to your boss. You was asked an alternative plan. You don't know how to give negative feedback to others. You must provide a constructive advice or project; etc..
It's not to sugarcoat these difficult conversations. Tell yourself honestly how hard it is to talk, but organize it as constructively as possible. You may tell yourself that we may have to talk about difficult things, but we will work together because we always respect each other.
Focus on what you can get from your conversation, assuming you have something to learn. Go into the discussion with an open mind, and no matter what your colleagues' positions are, you're more likely to find common ground with him.

