- 和企業目標相符。和你的老闆談談,釐清他們對你的期待。你的責任是建立起和你的老闆和你的雙向對話。你必須讓你的老闆知道你會和他們的發展目標一致。
- 表現同情。如果你覺得你的老闆的期待是不現實的,試著去從他們的角度來了解他們的優先次序和他們面臨的壓力。
- 關注在正面。不要苦惱于你的老闆對你的擾亂。試著調整你的心態去發現你的老闆的優點。每個人都有可以被尊敬的特質。
- 和老闆建立私人關係。去了解他有哪些個人愛好,例如棒球、攝影、古典音樂,建立起你們可以共同聊天的話題。
Improve your
relationship with boss
is no doubt that the relationship between the boss and the job is very
important. So, how do you build a good relationship with your boss?
the following:
- Consistent with company goals. Talk to your boss and figure out what they expect of you. Your responsibility is to build a two-way conversation with your boss and you. You have to let your boss know that you're in agreement with their development goals.
- Show sympathy. If you think your boss's expectations are unrealistic, try to understand their priorities and the pressures they face from their perspective.
- Focus on the positive. Don't worry about your boss's disturbance on you. Try to adjust your mindset to discover the strengths of your boss. Everyone has the trait of being respected.
- Build personal relationship with your boss. Find out what hobbies he has, such as baseball, photography, classical music, and build topics that you can talk to.