- 說出期望。不開口說出期望,經常是產生失望與產生溝通落差的原因。請向你的另一半說出你的期望,你需要對方如何配合。
- 安排時間相聚。如果你在工作與對外社交活動一般,你也應該安排出時間讓你們夫妻有時間相聚。
- 融合工作與家庭生活。工作與家庭生活不必然必須完全區隔出來。你可以找出方式將它們融合起來。例如,可以在家裡一邊工作,一邊和家人聊天。或是,你可以在上班的間隙,打個電話向家人問候。你也可以安排家人與同事的夫妻可以聚會交流。
Both husband and wife are working. Keep happy
Many couples have bad relationships because of work: too much travel, too little time to get together, and often having to transfer. It's not easy, but it's still possible to maintain a good relationship while both husband and wife are working.
Following are several possible approaches:
- Expectations. Unspeaking expectations is often the cause of disappointment and communication gap. Please share your expectations with your partner and how you need them to cooperate.
- Arrange time to meet. If you're working and socializing in general, you should also set aside time for your husband and wife to get together.
- Integrate work and family life. Work and family life need not be completely separated. You can find ways to integrate them. For example, you can work at home and chat with your family. Or, you can call your family to say hello between work. You can also arrange for couples of family members and colleagues to meet and communicate.