當敏感話題出現時,要清楚你在進行什麼樣的談話。比如,“讓我們以朋友的方式來討論這個”或者“這是我想提出的一個工作主題”。看看你和你的朋友是否想進行同樣的談話。你可能會說,“我想知道你的項目進展如何。我們現在能討論一下嗎?“。這樣,你就可以保持友誼,而不跨越任何界限。To Be Friends with Your Employees, Set Clear Boundaries
possible to be friends with someone who works for you, but you need to set
example, there may be times when you’re privy to information that will affect
your friend, but it would be improper for you to share it. To make the
friendship work, be transparent about what you can and can’t share, and
emphasize that it’s a matter of ethics, not trust.
When sensitive topics come up, be clear about what kind of conversation
you’re having. Say something like, “Let’s talk about this in friend mode” or
“This is a work topic that I’d like to bring up.” And check that you and your
friend want to have the same kind of conversation. You might say, “I want to
find out how things are going with your project. Can we have that discussion
now?” This way, you can maintain your friendship without crossing any lines.