2017年6月9日 星期五



In giving feedback, pay attention to your body language
Usually, when you're reminded to give feedback, most of you focus on what you say, but your nonverbal communication is as important as your vocabulary.
If your body language will convey your discomfort or your aggressive intention, it will make the other person feel insecure, and thus hinder him from seriously listening to what you are saying.
So, you'd better use a positive, open, supportive tone, and keep eye contact in mind so that he can listen to you.
Don't cross your arms. It's a little local expression of your understanding and kindness. Nodding to him, you're listening, and in a positive tone, like "Yeah", "yes", or giving encouragement. "Go on.".
Make sure your posture doesn't give you a sense of strength and superiority, so that the other person is reluctant to talk to you.
Most importantly, if you don't intend to give somebody a refusal, don't have any posture like that.
If your body language is not true, your effort will be counterproductive.

2017年6月7日 星期三



If you can't help your colleagues, explain why
It may be difficult to refuse to help a coworker or boss, especially if you worry about offending or annoying someone. But saying "No." does not necessarily mean taking yourself as a prisoner.
You can sympathize with your colleagues in the present situation - now they may have to take the time to do the job, or ask someone else to help.
If you explain why you can't do what you are asked to do, then your refusal to help will allow your colleagues to accept your reasons (and more difficult to oppose).
You may have too many things to do, or feel that you can't do the job that he asks for help.
No matter what the reason is, hold honest, polite, and frank.



You should use flexible or rigid manner to achieve the goal?
There are two ways to approach your goals: one is to develop in a flexible way, and gradually move towards the goal; or in a strict way, according to the planned action.
To decide which way to do it, think about how difficult your goal is. How much have you invested? How much do you have?
If you reach a goal that is relatively simple, you will have a high motivation to achieve it. At this point, you use a flexible approach, and the effect is usually better.

If you reach the target is still relatively far away, and you don't make much effort, then develop a work plan and procedures strictly, grasp the progress of work, as far as possible to exclude other work will interfere, focused to achieve your goals.

2017年6月6日 星期二


情商(Emotional Intelligence, EI),是一個強大,有效的領導技巧。但太多的人認為情商是表現體貼、給人愉悅。當然,領導能力確實包含了社交、對事敏銳、對人關切、給人甜蜜感,但是領導能力也包含領導人們具有成就、發揮影響力,以及做衝突管理。關鍵是要有一個平衡。

Balance your EQ skills
EQ (Emotional Intelligence, EI), is a strong and effective leadership skills. But too many people think that EQ is showing consideration and giving pleasure. Of course, the leadership does include the social, on the matter of concern, to the sharp, sweet feeling. But EQ also includes people with leadership achievements play, influence, and conflict management. The key is to have a balance.
If your soft emotional skill is very strong, you can focus on strengthening other leadership skills, such as: give the unpleasant feedback. And, how to interact with arrogant colleagues? And, put forward the challenge work, conflict management, self emotional management, etc.

2017年6月5日 星期一



Keep calm when someone bothers you
Everyone has something that they're particularly sensitive to, or something that they're particularly sensitive to. Maybe you hate being interrupted. Maybe you'll be irritated by someone asking you the same question over and over again.
In order to keep calm in this situation, recognize your emotional response patterns.
For example, you might be annoyed by being interrupted because it is a major problem in your previous job or personal relationship. Don't let those associations control you: recognize what triggers you. Make a conscious decision to change your mood. And then get yourself out of this situation.

Another state of emotional tension is personal. What makes you upset? Think about how this would happen to someone else, how would you tell him how to avoid it or how to overcome it?



Meet a fussy boss
When your boss is used to gossiping about people or saying things about people, it can be embarrassing and can make you feel unprofessional about your boss' leadership. 
If your boss complains to you about the depression of a colleague of being late for several times in past few months, you can say, This is the busiest time of year. We have a lot of customer needs and increased work pressure.
If your boss criticizes a colleague for being late for work several times in the past few months, you can say, I've noticed, too, but I have a different point of view. That person's commute is really hard, and the fact that he gets to the office on time most of the time shows what his effort to make it